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Careers in clean energy

Exciting, well-paid careers working with the latest technologies to reduce carbon emissions are emerging across the sector. Jobs such as electricians, engineers, motor mechanics, plumbers, air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics, and metal fitters and machinists are essential for the clean energy transition. Explore the range of clean energy careers below. 

The Clean Energy Skills National Centre of Excellence is committed to fostering a diverse clean energy workforce, by actively encouraging participation from women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and people with disabilities.

Western Australian universities also provide a variety of programs and courses to meet the growing demand for sustainable energy solutions.

To find out more, contact your TAFE or training provider, or reach out to your local Jobs and Skills Centre.


A chemical engineer, working at an operation plant.

Chemical and material engineer

Chemical and materials engineers investigate, process and test different materials. Implementing efficient processing techniques that minimise waste and improve output.  



A female engineering production worker, wearing protective workwear and treating chemicals.

Chemical, gas, petroleum and power generation plant operators

Operators control, monitor and maintain machines and equipment including controls and gauges to produce and refine chemicals, oil, gas and petroleum. 



Two chemistry technicians, wearing high visibility workwear, observing samples.

Chemistry technicians – chemistry process analyst, laboratory technician

Technicians assist chemists, scientists and laboratory staff by collecting samples, conducting tests on a range of chemicals and recording test results.  


An electrical engineering technician, installing a system on a board.

Electrical engineering draftspersons and technicians

Electrical draftspeople and technicians design and layout electrical installations, parts and equipment. Developing and designing electrical equipment, wiring systems and circuit layouts.  


A female engineer, standing at a workbench, holds a piece of equipment while reviewing documents.

Electrical engineers

Electrical engineers design and develop equipment used in the generation, distribution and use of electrical energy, including managing circuitry, equipment and resources.  


A transmission tower made of steel, standing in a field.

Electrical linesworkers / electrical line mechanics

Linesworkers install, maintain and repair electrical sub-transmission and distribution systems. They also install underground cables, power poles and electrical equipment.  



A female electrician, installing an electrical control system.


Electricians install, test, repair and modify electrical equipment, wiring and control systems, connecting electrical equipment, diagnosing faults and maintaining connections. 





An electrician, installing an electrical control system.

Electronic engineering draftspersons and technicians

Electronic draftspeople and technicians support engineers in the research, design, development, manufacture, repair and maintenance of electronic systems.


Two engineers at a plant facility, reviewing documents on a clipboard.

Engineering managers

Engineering managers plan, coordinate and oversee technical and engineering activities, plan and project manage engineering projects, supervise and provide guidance.


A female engineering production worker, wearing protective workwear and treating chemicals.

Engineering production workers

Engineering Production Workers refine and treat metals and mineral ore, fire ceramics, and operate plant to produce and finish metal products. 


An environmental research scientist, looking through a microscope in a laboratory.

Environmental research scientists

Environmental research scientists study and record environmental phenomena, as well as plan ways to reduce the damage that human activity has on the environment.


A female geologist, wearing high visibility workwear, stands on red soil and takes notes.

Geologists, geophysicists and hydrogeologists

Geologists examine and record the structure and make-up of the earth, studying samples of earth or rock core and preparing reports on their findings.


Two production engineers, wearing high visibility workwear, sitting at their workspaces and reviewing data.

Industrial, mechanical and production engineers

Industrial, mechanical and production engineers supervise and manage operations, plan and coordinate manufacturing activities, and design and develop tools and machines.  


A female manufacturing worker, walking through a workshop.


Manufacturers plan, organise and coordinate manufacturing operations. This includes determining products to manufacture, devising new processes and maintaining quality. 


A mechanical engineering draftsperson creating parts using a 3D printer.

Mechanical engineering draftspersons and technicians

Mechanical draftspeople and technicians prepare drawings, designs and plans for the manufacture and construction of mechanical parts and equipment. 



Two metal fitters reviewing documents in a workshop.

Metal fitters and machinists

Metal fitters and machinists setup and operate machine tools to shape and form metal stock and castings. They also refer to plans and designs to manufacture parts.



A mechatronics engineer programing an assembly line robot.

Other engineering professionals - mechatronics engineer

Mechatronics engineers design, develop and build products. They also create systems that automate industrial tasks and develop solutions for products and processes.



Three engineers observing plant equipment and taking notes.

Other natural and physical science professionals - meteorologist, metallurgist, mineral processing engineer

Metallurgists use their specialised knowledge of metals and minerals to extract and refine through processes such as casting or alloying. 




A male production manager, writing on a whiteboard.

Production manager (manufacturing)

Production managers plan, coordinate and control manufacturing processes, managing efficiencies, costs, quality standards, safety and environmental impacts.



A female welder, wears a welding mask while she welds steel beams in a workshop.

Structural steel and welding trades workers

Welders fabricate and repair metal parts for use in machinery, products and structures, using welding techniques to apply heat or electrical currents. 



A structural steel worker, measuring steel beams.

Structural steel construction workers

Steel fixers shape and fit steel bars or mesh structures to reinforce concrete in construction projects. They cut and shape steel bars, and weld, wire or clip materials into place.



A technical cable jointer, wearing high visibility workwear and holding a roll of cable.

Technical cable jointer

Technical cable jointers lay, joint, terminate and repair underground power cable. They also conduct tests to check cable integrity and locate faults.
